Debugger was unable to continue the process

I have an nRF5340 that I'm trying to use a Segger Base Compact debugger with. I can flash and run the application fine. If I try to debug (using the VS Code nRF Connect extension), though, it halts at this line with the error:

Exception has occurred
Debugger was unable to continue the process

In the extension's Debugger terminal, it shows the following:

JLinkGDBServerCL: SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V7.94l Command Line Version
JLinkGDBServerCL: JLinkARM.dll V7.94l (DLL compiled Feb 29 2024 10:25:06)
JLinkGDBServerCL: -----GDB Server start settings-----
JLinkGDBServerCL: GDBInit file:                  none
JLinkGDBServerCL: GDB Server Listening port:     59506
JLinkGDBServerCL: SWO raw output listening port: 2332
JLinkGDBServerCL: Terminal I/O port:             2333
JLinkGDBServerCL: Accept remote connection:      localhost only
JLinkGDBServerCL: Generate logfile:              off
JLinkGDBServerCL: Verify download:               off
JLinkGDBServerCL: Init regs on start:            off
JLinkGDBServerCL: Silent mode:                   on
JLinkGDBServerCL: Single run mode:               on
JLinkGDBServerCL: Target connection timeout:     0 ms
JLinkGDBServerCL: ------J-Link related settings------
JLinkGDBServerCL: J-Link Host interface:         USB
JLinkGDBServerCL: J-Link script:                 none
JLinkGDBServerCL: J-Link settings file:          none
JLinkGDBServerCL: ------Target related settings------
JLinkGDBServerCL: Target device:                 nrf5340_xxaa_app
JLinkGDBServerCL: Target device parameters:      none
JLinkGDBServerCL: Target interface:              SWD
JLinkGDBServerCL: Target interface speed:        12000kHz
JLinkGDBServerCL: Target endian:                 little
Reset_Handler () at C:/ncs/v2.5.2/modules/tee/tf-m/trusted-firmware-m/platform/ext/target/nordic_nrf/common/core/startup.c:36
36	{
[New Remote target]
[New Thread 536912464]
[New Thread 536912200]
[New Thread 536910792]
[New Thread 536912760]
[New Thread 536904264]
ERROR: Command aborted. See the output window for additional details.
Execute debugger commands using "-exec <command>" or "`<command>", for example "-exec info registers" or "`info registers" will list registers in use (when GDB is the debugger)

In the "Output" window that it mentions, there is no content.

I'm using nRF Connect v2.5.2 with the newest Segger release (V7.94l).

Any guidance on why this may be occurring, when it's able to flash and run the application fine without the debugger?
