External programming using NRF52-DK

Hello ,

I am trying top program external nrf52dk through another nrf52dk via SWD interface to check if external programming method works. The connections between two devices are below. 
when Using segger embedded studio, I get a pop-up saying "Failed to Connect to target" and when using nrf connect SDK for VS code(Zephyr) the error screenshot is below. I see the  2nd nrf52-dk kit is powered on but failed to detect through main nrf52dk. I checked the voltages on SWDIO is around 3v. 





  • Hi,


    I am trying top program external nrf52dk through another nrf52dk via SWD interface to check if external programming method works.

    If you are connecting two nRF52-DK's together, to program then; you cannot connect SWD outputs to SWD ouputs.

    You need to connect one of them to the "DEBUG IN":


    The easiest way is to use a 10-pin SWD cable from the "DEBUG OUT" from one kit to the "DEBUG IN" on the other.


    Kind regards,


  • I want to flash a custom board later which has nrf52832 soc. Before that I was trying to use the same connection between two nrf52dk just to make sure that method works. just to clarify, you are saying that to connect two nrf52dk, I need to use dbg out and dbg in. But my custom board doesn't have any debug pins socket, only SWD interface is available. Also, I tired to flash the custom board also It shows the same error "failed to connect to target". 

  • pashan said:
    I want to flash a custom board later which has nrf52832 soc. Before that I was trying to use the same connection between two nrf52dk just to make sure that method works. just to clarify, you are saying that to connect two nrf52dk, I need to use dbg out and dbg in.

    Yes, I understand, but if you are now testing the connection, you cannot connect an output to an output.

    For the DK-scenario, you are correct. dbg out -> dbg in.

    pashan said:
    I tired to flash the custom board also It shows the same error "failed to connect to target". 

    Try to run a "nrfjprog --recover" first, and if it still fails, add "--log" and share the .log file here.


    Kind regards,

