SIM shutdown does not happen during the e-DRX cycle greater than 60 seconds on NRF9151 DK

We recently got the NRF9151-DK and were trting to measure the e-DRX current on the system working on CAT-M1 network. The NRF9151 DK is loaded with Serial LTE Modem application ( Default application that it was shipped with )and Modem firmware v2.0.0 ( Default FW that it was shipped with ). According to this post we have set the follwing at commands 


AT%XDATAPRFL=0 // sets the low power mode

AT+SSRDA=0,1,0 // sim shut shutdown



We are still seeing 35uA of floor current during e-DRX cycle. We feel this is a bug in the pre lodaed FW. Can someone from nordic try it on their NRF9151-DK and share the results?. I all attaching the PPK2 trace with this post.


