How to add custom UUIDs definitions in nRF Connect for Mobile?


In nRF Connect for Mobile, custom UUIDs show up as unknown, making it difficult to identify them easily.

Is there a way to add custom UUIDs, as can be done for example, on a Mac by adding the custom UUIDs to the "uuid_definitions.json" (located in folder /Users/username/Library/Application\ Support/nrfconnect)?

If not, How do I request an enhancement to nRF Connect for Mobile?

Thank you.

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  • Hi Elfving,

    Thanks. I’ll see if I can find someone who has an Android phone and try out the long tap suggestion later this morning.

    Does this allow a custom UUID definition file to be imported into Android? Appreciate if you can elaborate on the steps. 


  • There is unfortunately no way to export/import UUID names yet.

    Though if you know of a standard or a popular UUID, you can create a PR here



  • Hi Elfving,

    Thank you for the link to the bluetooth-number-database. Perhaps there is a little disconnect from my side for the request.

    For the Thingy53, in the nRF Connect for Mobile iOS app, I'm able to view the Sensor Hub Service UUID and all the BME688 & BMI1749 standard UUIDs. These are correct and match what I see in the Mac/PC uuid_definitions.json. Sensor values are being updated correctly.

    However, what's missing in the nRF Connect for Mobile iOS are the corresponding names for the UUIDs, as available in the uuid_definitions.json.

    I managed to check the nRF Connect Mobile app on an Android phone. It has the same issue as the iOS, the UUIDs are showing up as "Unknown Characteristic".

    I'd like to have the "unknown" names in the nRF Connect for Mobile replaced by actual UUID names. The ability to import a uuid_definitions.json file, as on the Mac/PC, and have the nRF Connect app set the names.

    As discussed before, an enhancement to nRF Connect for Mobile should resolve the issue. Hopefully the nRF Connect for Mobile dev team can provide a resolution. Thank you.


  • zpm1066 said:
    As discussed before, an enhancement to nRF Connect for Mobile should resolve the issue. Hopefully the nRF Connect for Mobile dev team can provide a resolution. Thank you.

    They are aware of the request, thanks! Slight smile


