Direction_finding_central test

I'm using the nrf connection sdk to test application.

I want to know how the direction_finding come true.And I'm beginner to ncs.

I'm using the version v2.2.0.

I thought the sample is available.But when I build it,the error happened.

I see the document that  explain of direction_finding_central.The document goes deeper into some of  direction_finding adjustments.

The adjustments didn't happen in DevAcademy.Maybe I can read some blogs to know how to do it?

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  • Hello,

    I am encountering the same issue. The problem appears to be related to the build process rather than hardware, as it occurred during building and resulted in failure. Specifically, when using nRF Connect SDK for VSCode (version v2.5.1), I encountered the error while building the existing Sample (Direction finding central) without flashing the program to any hardware.

    Furthermore, my environment configuration seems to be correct as I can run all the demos in Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals without any issues. Are there any additional docs or solutions available that could help me?
