Unable to disable JLink Mass storage device

Hi there!

I was just trying an example of DFU over UART from the new nrf Connect SDK Intermediate course using the NRF9161DK but I'm unable to disable the mass storage device. What is the right command for it?

The provided one ( JLinkExe -device NRF52840_XXAA -if SWD -speed 4000 -autoconnect 1 -SelectEmuBySN MySeggerSerial ) , even if updated to the NRF5340 on the board, doesn't work.

Can anyone provide me with the correct JLinkExe line? Any hints on a possible solution?

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi,

    J-Link Commander (the file name of the executable is "JLink.exe") is part of J-Link Software and Documentation Pack from Segger, and typically for the latest features you need the latest version.

    Depending on the J-Link version, the autoconnect may not work as intended, especially for very new boards and devices. I suggest to try adding the option -Device NRF91.

    Also, please double check that you are connecting to the correct segger number.

    If it still fails, it could be a good idea to connect manually instead of using the command line options, to figure out what the correct parameters are. If J-Link Commander is able to detect what board/device you are using, then it mostly provide sensible default options for you.

    If you run the executable without parameters, it will open a terminal window for you to connect manually. To do so:

    1. When the application launces, you may have to choose which board to connect to, through choosing the segger number (USB Identification) of the board.
    2. Use the command connect
    3. The device/core should be detected automatically and presented to you (e.g. NRF91). Enter will automatically choose the default.
    4. You should choose SWD for target interface (S).
    5. The default speed should work. (Just press enter.)
    6. If all succeeds, J-Link will connect to the board.
    7. Use the command MSDDisable, to disable mass storage device.
    8. Exit J-Link Commander with the command exit.


  • Hi Terje.

    Thank you for your help.

    Unfortunately, none of the suggestions worked either but at this point, at least for now, I  don't have the need to disable the mass storage device; I noticed that other users had this problem previously with other nrf models. Just so that you know, I tried to use -device NRF91 and I'm sure I've been using the correct Segger number (visible on the sticker of the DK and VSCode). The final result of any of the strategies I try is always that there are no emulators connected via USB. J-Link drivers updated manually after no positive results.  Also, since I have more than one NRF9161 DK i've tried several strategies with more than one unit.  Cheers!

  • Hi Terje.

    Thank you for your help.

    Unfortunately, none of the suggestions worked either but at this point, at least for now, I  don't have the need to disable the mass storage device; I noticed that other users had this problem previously with other nrf models. Just so that you know, I tried to use -device NRF91 and I'm sure I've been using the correct Segger number (visible on the sticker of the DK and VSCode). The final result of any of the strategies I try is always that there are no emulators connected via USB. J-Link drivers updated manually after no positive results.  Also, since I have more than one NRF9161 DK i've tried several strategies with more than one unit.  Cheers!
