PPK2 issue

Hi, all.
I'm using PPK2 in amper meter mode.

Version of SW:
- nrf connect for desktop application: v.4.4.1;
- power profiler: v.4.0.0;
- laptop under Linux Mint 20.2


- sampling parameters: 100 samples per second;
- sample for 24 h;
- all the rest settings are by default.

The issue is that after ~3 h of work PPK2 stops logging and disconnect the target.

NOTE: while logging in amper meter mode PPK2 constantly lights with Blue LED, once it stops (~3h) it starts blinking with Green LED.
Also, desktop appl looks as follows:

Parents Reply
  • According to my conversation with them, they said: "I believe this was also an issue with 3.5.5", but they didn's specify whether it was not present in version 3.5.4. I guess you will have to test. I did however get the impression that if you roll far enough back, the issue was not present. 

    You can roll back using the down arrow next to the "Open" button, and select "Install other version". 

    Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the timeframe for a fix, other than that they are working on it. Whether it is next week or next year, I don't know.

    Best regards,

