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Can not create an SPI connection

I've been unsuccessfully trying to serialize BTLE example programs by SPI. I have two PCA10028 boards and I'm using SDK10. In addition to serialization examples, I've tried /peripheral/SPI_master and /peripheral/SPI_master_with_spi_slave.

The /peripheral/SPI_master example is fairly basic; it's probably best to troubleshoot with this example. In this example, I connected SPIM MOSI to SPIM MISO. After programming, the program lit up LEDS that symbolize BSP_INDICATE_FATAL_ERROR.

For serialization examples, I followed the instructions in the Getting Started --> Running a serialized application documentation. The serialization examples do not show the connectivity board receiving data from the application board. The HRS collector is an example of an serialization program that I've tried.

How to I get the board to establish an SPI connection?
