nRF52840 DK- Lower RF output power as expected


I have some troubles measuring the output power of the nRF52840 DK. I used both radio test and DTM firmware and I have the same problem. I try to measure the maximum output power of the nRF52840 DK, that is 8 dBm as said in the datasheet but I only obtain 4.8 dBm as maximum output power. 

My setup is composed of:

-Spectrum Analyzer Agilent CSA N1996A

- nRF52840 DK

-RF test probe MXHS83QE3000 (referenced by Nordic for RF measurements):

-Coaxial SMA to N-Type:

I expect to have around 1 dB of losses as said in both datasheet connectors, so I expect to measure around 7 dBm of maximum power but I only get 4.8 dBm when I configure 8 dBm as output power and I don't know why. I tried radio test with no modulated and dtm with different types of packets but nothing changes. I hope someone could help me.

Thank you in advance.


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