Toolchain validation v2.6.0

[21:30:19] =========== Toolchain validation report for nRF Connect SDK Toolchain v2.6.0 ===========
Package Using the nRF Connect SDK v2.6.0 at /home/kammutierspule/ncs/v2.6.0
Clock3 dtc is outdated. Found 1.5.0, but 1.5.1-1 is required by the SDK.
I got this error while validating the latest SDK.
Is there any more info I can provide?
Parents Reply
  • Update.
    I deleted the ncs directory  and re-installed toolchains and SDK with nRF Connect plugin in VSC and got the "Manage west workspace" back to active state. However the same "dtc is outdated" message is still reported during installation process. However I can work with the SDK e.g. building sample applications.
    So what is this message about, how to get rid of it?

    [12:01:22] =========== Toolchain validation report for nRF Connect SDK Toolchain v2.6.1 ===========
    Package Using the nRF Connect SDK v2.6.1 at /home/ari/ncs/v2.6.1
    Clock3 dtc is outdated. Found 1.5.0, but 1.5.1-1 is required by the SDK.

