nRF52840 Dongle: Console log & Ant+

Good afternoon.

I have asked for help before regarding my nRF52840 Dongle and Ant+ and you have helped me a lot!
But I have one more difficulty - I have an error when initializing Ant+ (ant_init failed: -2).
Since I am writing code in nRF Connect SDK - I can't connect my Dongle directly. Instead I write a HEX file (zephyr.hex) to my Dongle using your Programmer. This actually makes the debugging process a bit complicated.

Hence the first question - can I somehow connect the Dongle to the console or not?
The second question is how do I fix this error? As far as I understand, I need the S340 firmware. I read about it somewhere. If so, please tell me how to download it using your Programmer.

Thank you very much for your help,
Sincerely, Victor

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