Communication with FT2232D

Hello guys,

I'm utilizing an EVK-ANNA-B402 module, which includes an nRF52833 microcontroller with Zephyr OS, and I'm exploring ways to enable bidirectional communication with an FT2232D device over USB. Has anyone successfully achieved this?

The FT2232D belongs to the Vendor-Specific USB class and cannot be used with the CDC-USB class. Therefore, I am exploring alternatives and the development of a driver for the FT2232D appears to be quite complex :c

Here is the device I need to communicate with :

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated !

Thank you in advance!

Parents Reply
  • Thank you   , However, the FTDI chip won't send me any data until I configure its line properties (parity, stop bits, etc.) and baud rate using FTDI's custom commands.

    How can I send and receive data from the device connected to the MAX3421E?

    I apologize, but I'm planning to purchase all the required hardware, which is why I'm trying to gather all the necessary information to ensure the feasibility and speed of development
