Device tree setting problem


  Iam use nRF7002-DK, SDK v2.5.2, I try to set high seed SPI as master and connect with BMP280 sensor,I generate overay file for spi4 connect BMP280 sensor,for this resource in nrf5340_cpuapp_common.dts connect mx25r64 NOR flash first, as below picture, can I coonect two resource on this SPI4 or remove this NOR flash to other SPI resouce?If connect two on same SPI or remove the NOR falsh to other SPI resource, what the side effect happen for change setting? 

Best Regards


  • Hi

    How have you added the SPI pins you're using in your overlay file? You should use pins (P0.08-P0.12) to take advantage of the SPIM4 instance, and that needs to be reflected in your overlay file as explained in steps 2.1 and 2.2 of the Academy course you're referring to. Also, please show me a picture of how you have connected the BMP sensor to your nRF7002DK exactly, as something isn't set up correctly if you're not able to write the addresses correctly.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    How have you added the SPI pins you're using in your overlay file? You should use pins (P0.08-P0.12) to take advantage of the SPIM4 instance, and that needs to be reflected in your overlay file as explained in steps 2.1 and 2.2 of the Academy course you're referring to. Also, please show me a picture of how you have connected the BMP sensor to your nRF7002DK exactly, as something isn't set up correctly if you're not able to write the addresses correctly.

    Best regards,

