Device tree setting problem


  Iam use nRF7002-DK, SDK v2.5.2, I try to set high seed SPI as master and connect with BMP280 sensor,I generate overay file for spi4 connect BMP280 sensor,for this resource in nrf5340_cpuapp_common.dts connect mx25r64 NOR flash first, as below picture, can I coonect two resource on this SPI4 or remove this NOR flash to other SPI resouce?If connect two on same SPI or remove the NOR falsh to other SPI resource, what the side effect happen for change setting? 

Best Regards


  • Hi

    I see you've set the SPI max frequency to 8MHz here, wasn't the point to have the SPI4 at a higher frequency than the standard SPI speed? That being said I don't see a specific issue with this overlay file. For the picture I meant a photo of the physical connection so I could make sure it looks like it's connected correctly.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    I see you've set the SPI max frequency to 8MHz here, wasn't the point to have the SPI4 at a higher frequency than the standard SPI speed? That being said I don't see a specific issue with this overlay file. For the picture I meant a photo of the physical connection so I could make sure it looks like it's connected correctly.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simonr

                 wasn't the point to have the SPI4 at a higher frequency than the standard SPI speed?

    Now is testing with ST:LIS2HH12 sensor connection and transmit/recieve , for this sensor the max frequency is 8MHz, but we will try to use high speed with other device connection in future, so need to testing spi4 with low frequency temporary. 

    For the picture I meant a photo of the physical connection so I could make sure it looks like it's connected correctly.

    Connection is correct, but the pin function is not work correctly.For P0.08(SCK) no any waveforms when the activity is start, but the (CS)P0.11 has waveforms by use oscilloscope and logic analyzer.So the result of read/write byte for sensor is no any values as upper, What configuration or detail did I miss for this case?    

    Best Regards

