How to integrate MBEDTLS for nrf9160 and native simulation on sdk 2.6?

Dear Support Team

My goal is to build an application for two targets. The targets are an nrf9160 and a simulation target for running it natively on Linux (currently trying native_sim).

The application makes use of the mbedtls-API. For example the `mbedtls_x509...`, `mbedtls_ecp` etc...

To build it for the nrf9160 it works fine now with the following config:



Furthermore, we had to modify the `modules/mbedtls/configs/config-tls-generic.h`-file slightly with some hardcoded `defines`.

But I am struggling to build it for native_sim. The problem is, that I can not enable the respective Kconfigs. For example:


warning: MBEDTLS_X509_LIBRARY (defined at /opt/zephyrproject/nrf/modules/trusted-
/opt/zephyrproject/nrf/subsys/nrf_security/Kconfig.tls:7) was assigned the value 'y' but got the
value 'n'. Check these unsatisfied dependencies: (TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_MINIMAL || NRF_SECURITY) (=n).


Furthermore, I have observed the following:

The library can be included via the `nrf-sdk`-west.yml or via `sdk-zephyr`-west.yml. Both of those will pull in a different state it seems:

Both refer to the mbedtls fork here:

But then there is also upstream mbedtls, that is pulled in by upstream zephyr, that seems to offer different options then the `sdk-mbedtls`-fork, like `CONFIG_MBEDTLS_BUILTIN`:

This confuses me a bit. And I can summarize my questions this way:

  • Which mbedtls-version to use with `sdk-2.6` (sdk vs upsteam, revision v3.5.2-ncs1 vs revision 66ed2279d6222056af172c188eaf4dcfed481032) ?
  • Which way do you recommend to configure MBEDTLS to achieve the goal described above? Could we use `CONFIG_MBEDTLS_CFG_FILE` instead?
  • How can we do all this, while ensuring, that hardware-crypto-acceleration is used when building for the nrf9160?

Thanks in advance and let me know, if you need additional information.

  • Hi Cla,

    Which mbedtls-version to use with `sdk-2.6` (sdk vs upsteam, revision v3.5.2-ncs1 vs revision 66ed2279d6222056af172c188eaf4dcfed481032) ?

    sdk-nrf is the boss of west includes. See west.yml.
    name-allowlist decides which repos zephyr are allowed to include. Since mbedtls is not here, we know that mbedtls is not from zephyr.

    The two previous links was for main, but for v2.6.0 we now change to that. Here we can scroll down and find that mbedtls uses v3.5.2-ncs1.

    To verify this we can navigate in git bash to "ncs/modules/crypto/mbedtl" and do "git log":

    commit acea48fc8a5eb227033b55e6ec012731218e257f (HEAD, tag: v3.3.0-ncs2-rc2, tag: v3.3.0-ncs2-2, tag: v3.3.0-ncs2-1-rc1, tag: v3.3.0-ncs2-1, tag: v3.3.0-ncs2, manifest-rev)
    Author: Frank Audun Kvamtrø <[email protected]>
    Date:   Tue Oct 17 09:13:17 2023 +0200
        [nrf noup]  Fix buffer overread with stream cipher
        Recreated from commit faf0b8604ac49456b0cff7a34ad27485ca145cce
        which provides the following information
        "With stream ciphers, add a check that there's enough room to read a MAC
        in the record. Without this check, subtracting the MAC length from the
        data length resulted in an integer underflow, causing the MAC calculation
        to try reading (SIZE_MAX + 1 - maclen) bytes of input, which is a buffer
        This commit is a "noup" since TLS/DTLS is undergoing refactoring and
        the content of the commit had to be recreated.
        Signed-off-by: Frank Audun Kvamtrø <[email protected]>

    How can we do all this, while ensuring, that hardware-crypto-acceleration is used when building for the nrf9160?

    The hope is that zephyrs board-definition feature will be able to make sure that this works as expected.
    You should still verify this after it looks like it works though.

    Which way do you recommend to configure MBEDTLS to achieve the goal described above? Could we use `CONFIG_MBEDTLS_CFG_FILE` instead?

    I think you need to do this step by step. Why does it fail now?
    Then create boards/native_sim.conf and add configurations needed for this board there until it works.
    And/or move configs from prj.conf to boards/nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns.conf which are not needed for native_sim also.

    Check these unsatisfied dependencies: (TFM_PROFILE_TYPE_MINIMAL || NRF_SECURITY) (=n).

    Use VS Code extension Kconfig search of "west build -t menuconfig" to find which of these are "n" and then figure out why those are "n" and if you can make them become "y".

    Sigurd Hellesvik

  • Alternatively, are there other options for running a simulation target except native_sim?

  • `nrf/subsys/nrf_security/Kconfig.tls` is sourced conditionally. It is only available if NRF_SECURITY is active. See line 47 of `nrfxlib/nrf_security/Kconfig`:



    # Include TLS/DTLS and x509 configurations
    rsource "Kconfig.tls"


    endif # NRF_SECURITY


  • Right.

    Then the next question is:  Why would NRF_SECURITY not work on native_sim?
    The easy answer is likely "Because we have not put effort into supporting this".

    But maybe before that: Do you use the cryptocell hardware for your crypto on the nRF9160? If so, I also doubt that the native_sim supports that. Using software implementations of  cypto on the other hand in theory should not be an issue I guess.

    This was not very coherent, but  I hope that it made some sense?

  • It did, thanks. Just to be clear, we do not use NRF_SECURITY for the nrf9160 either.

    My thinking was to use MBEDTLS-APIs.

    Then when building for nrf9160 it would be forwarded to PSA_CRYPTO (which my understanding is, that is currently happending via the `_ALT` implementations), PSA_CRYPTO then uses the cryptocell hardware internally.

    Then when building for native_sim it would use software implementations for the same functions of MBEDTLS.

    This would have been my thinking. I do not know, if this is possible or, whether there is a better solution to achieve my goal. I try to also communicate my goal (X = build for nrf9160 and native_sim) and not just my current approach (Y = build MBEDTLS for native_sim) as not to cause the XY-communication problem.

    I hope I could clearify my thinking.

  • I am missing one part:

    Cla said:
    Just to be clear, we do not use NRF_SECURITY for the nrf9160 either.

    What are you doing on the nRF9160 from before?

  • We use `BUILD_WITH_TFM` (Not profile minimal though).

Reply Children
  • I am honestly a bit new to the whole testing stuff.

    So to learn, I have talked with a colleguea who knows more than me, and I think the first question to ask is:

    What exactly do you want to test?
    Is this a unit test or an integration test?

  • We have some unit-test in place. They use the native-posix board with `CONFIG_ASAN` and `CONFIG_UBSAN` activated. We run the unit-test directly on the hardware also.

    In addition we would like to do some integration/system-testing with a simulation setup.In the past we have used `qemu`, but it is not possible to activate `CONFIG_ASAN` to my knowledge. We are evaluating `native_sim` (released with zephyr 3.5) to do system-testing in a simulation environment that allows us to use native debugging tools and other tooling like above mentioned address sanitizer.

    Edit: on the hardware we run the unit tests without CONFIG_ASAN and CONFIG_UBSAN, because they are not supported to our knowledge.

  • The status on this ticket is that I have asked our crypto developers if they have any ideas here.

  • Speaking of the Dev, they just answered:


    This is not something we claim to support. The NCS MbedTLS config is coupled with building for our products.

    I have no idea if their use case is feasible, I suspect it would require a lot of config and build system voodoo, but I don't think we can support them on this. You are probably as likely as any of the developers to be able to provide advice here.

    So yea, I can spend some time to try and build a crypto sample for native_sim, but i would not have high hopes. As they say the tight coupling between our SoC and libraries may make this hard.

    One alternative would be to disable crypto for your project, but that might make the whole exercise a bit pointless?

  • Thanks for the quick reply. Disabling and Mocking the crypto-stuff could be an option.

    I was just wondering, if there is a supported way to achieve this, since software implementations for Mbedtls exists.
