Cannot toggle LED from debug section (nRF Connect SDK Intermediate lesson 2 exercise 1)


I found the GPIO P0 menu in the peripherals view:

Tried to change the value with the tool (set to output) and manually (changing the register value from 00A00000 to 00A00080, i.e., setting pin 0.07, or red LED, as output).

Then also tried changing the pin value itself and it just won't change.

Any idea?


Parents Reply Children
  • Hello,

    I am currently working with the nRF9160-DK and encountering an issue similar to what João described in a previous thread. I am unable to change the GPIO direction (DIR), which is preventing me from toggling the LED state.

    Could anyone provide insight or guidance on how to resolve this issue? Any suggestions or steps that I might be missing would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Best regards,

  • Hello,

    I confirmed that it works without any problems when I start over from “Open the code base of the exercise by navigating to Create a new application in the nRF Connect for VS Code extension, select Copy a sample, and search for Lesson 2 – Exercise 1.”.

    I apologize for any confusion my initial query may have caused.

    Thank you for your time and assistance.

    Best regards,
