nrf52840 I2S Slave Mode

I am using the I2S slave mode in my nrf52840 based board (seeed studio xiao), I am confused regarding the I2S interface. I actually opened another ticket but nobody seems to reply. This is what I asked:

Does the SPH0645 need to be master? I read somewhere that nRF I2S slave just means it needs an outside source for the SCK and LRCLK for it to work, hence why I am using PWM outputs on GPIOs to act as clock. I am using this and this as my references. 

To be more precise I am using I2S slave on the nRF with PWMs as external clock while also having the microphone (SPH0645) in slave mode. 


Another question. If the PWM signals can work, is there a required or recommended voltage (1V or 3.3V or something) and if I can adjust the voltage of the PWM on the NCS code. Thank you for your concern.


  • Hi Qwelectric,

    Our apologies that you feel like no one is replying. It was the Easter holiday, and many of our team members have been on vacation.

    I see that my colleague Torbjørn has returned and continue to support you, so let's have the discussion focused on the previous case.

    I will thus close this case now.


  • Hi Qwelectric,

    Our apologies that you feel like no one is replying. It was the Easter holiday, and many of our team members have been on vacation.

    I see that my colleague Torbjørn has returned and continue to support you, so let's have the discussion focused on the previous case.

    I will thus close this case now.


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