implementing custom service

product details:

nRF52840 custom board

nRFConnectSDK 2.2.0

we want to implement custom service interacting with the Android app.

Where we will receive on command from Android app and we will do some processing and sending the data back to the android app.

For this what and all we need to do.

for ex: service

what characteristics and what descriptors are needed and their properties.

All we need to know is how to write custom service and for our requirement what we need to add.

Parents Reply
  • hi,

    Like in  nRF 5 sdk , do we have any sample which supports UART over BLE.

    We want to recive the request from the Android app and then send the data to app.

    THe data is read from UART in nRF.

    One more thing is

    1.We will receive request from Android app(actually read RFID data)

    2.we will be sending the data to Android app--> this data may be continuous(this will be RFID tags data)

    For this i feel two characteristics needed.

    . service 

         .--- Read Chracteristic   ----READ

          --- write characteristic    ---- WRITE

    Do we need Descriptor and NOTIFY  in WRITE case/ READ case.

    can you suggest on this.
