PCA10056 v3.0.1 cannot run the matter example of NCS2.6.0

Dear support team,
I now have three PCA10056 v3.0.1 versions of nRF52840-DK. After connecting the development board to the PC, I downloaded the \v2.6.0\nrf\samples\matter\light_switch example. I opened the serial port to view the log. There is no log information, and LED1 does not flash. , indicating that the matter example is not running; download the \v2.5.2\nrf\samples\matter\light_switch example, open the serial port to view the log, there is matter log output, and LED1 will flash, indicating that the matter example has been run; 3 PCA10056 v3.0.1 phenomena consistent. Please tell me why the matter example of ncs2.6.0 cannot be run on the PCA10056 v3.0.1 development board? Please help analyze the cause and give a solution.
I found an nRF52840-DK with PCA10056 v0.9.2, which can run the matter example of ncs2.6.0.



Parents Reply
  • Hi Hieu,

    I tested it and added: &mx25r64 {
    writeoc = "pp";
    readoc = "fastread";
    52840-DK cannot run the matter example downloaded from ncs2.6.0. You can reproduce the problem and then use nrfjprog --qspieraseall.
    But when the 52840-DK is reset after powering off and on, it cannot run. What difference does erasing bring to the flash itself? Or does Brand new DK mean there is something different about mx25r64 that causes this problem?


