PCA10056 v3.0.1 cannot run the matter example of NCS2.6.0

Dear support team,
I now have three PCA10056 v3.0.1 versions of nRF52840-DK. After connecting the development board to the PC, I downloaded the \v2.6.0\nrf\samples\matter\light_switch example. I opened the serial port to view the log. There is no log information, and LED1 does not flash. , indicating that the matter example is not running; download the \v2.5.2\nrf\samples\matter\light_switch example, open the serial port to view the log, there is matter log output, and LED1 will flash, indicating that the matter example has been run; 3 PCA10056 v3.0.1 phenomena consistent. Please tell me why the matter example of ncs2.6.0 cannot be run on the PCA10056 v3.0.1 development board? Please help analyze the cause and give a solution.
I found an nRF52840-DK with PCA10056 v0.9.2, which can run the matter example of ncs2.6.0.



  • Hi Hieu,

    Maybe my test is helpful for you, I see through debug that in dev board v3.0.0 qspi initialization returns 0 and can read jedec-id = [C2 28 17];  But it is in development board v3.0.1/v3.0.2 that QSPI initialization returns 19 and reads jedec-id = [00 00 00];  You can analyze it in this direction, and I don't know how to analyze it.

    I also did the following tests:
    1. Connect the v3.0.1/v3.0.2 52840-DK to the pc
    2. cmd enter nrfjprog --qspieraseall;
    3. Download the ncs2.6.0 matter example.
    Result: v3.0.1/v3.0.2 52840-DK works fine with the matter example.
    Note that all ncs2.6.0 matter examples cannot be run on 52840-DK. The version of dk that I test can run may be because I have operated on external flash before.



  • Hi Zero,

    I also found some relevant internal records yesterday and found that nrfjprog --qspieraseall fixes the issue to me.

    I planned to talk with those records' authors to fully understand the technicalities before answering you, but it seems you also reached the same findings.

    I would like to confirm your observation. After the Matter sample work once, does it ever fail again?

    Also, if you still have a v3.0.1/v3.0.2 DK that you haven't "fixed," can you confirm if flashing a sample on NCS v2.4.x or v2.5.0 also "fixes" it?

    On my end I currently cannot find a DK that I can reproduce the issue again after fixing it once.



  • Hi Hieu,

    I would like to confirm your observation. After the Matter sample work once, does it ever fail again?

    After nrfjprog --qspieraseall is repaired, the matter example can always be run.

    Also, if you still have a v3.0.1/v3.0.2 DK that you haven't "fixed," can you confirm if flashing a sample on NCS v2.4.x or v2.5.0 also "fixes" it?

    I tried running the ncs2.5.2 matter example using the unfixed v3.0.1/v3.0.2 DK and then ran the ncs2.6.0 matter example. The problem still exists.



  • Hi Zero,

    What about 2.4.x and 2.5.0? This nuance is important for our current problem.



  • Hi Hieu,

    What about 2.4.x and 2.5.0? This nuance is important for our current problem.

    I don't have the v3.0.1/v3.0.2 DK anymore that can't run the "'matter" example


