Error while flashing custom board with nrf9160 SiP using nrf5340DK


I am trying to flash the Serial LTE modem on the nrf9160 on a custom board using the nrf5340DK and the nrf Connect Programmer. I am using the P20 port on the DK and have made the connections as shown here:

I am powering the custom board from an external source at 3.3V. The VDD_nRF´ is not connected to the custom board.

However I am getting the following error:

Recovering Application core
Failed to recovering application core core. Error: [object Object], message: Batch task recover failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR
Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task recover failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
Any idea on what could be the problem?
  • This problem may be caused by the debug interface or nRF5340DK-custom board connection. Here are some ways to fix this:

    • Check Connections: Verify the nRF5340DK-custom board connections. Check the wiring and debug interface connection.
    • Double-check your custom board's power supply. It must be stable and provide 3.3V.
    • Check that the nRF Connect Programmer is configured for the nRF5340DK and that the P20 port is selected.
    • Hardware Debugging: Connect a hardware debugger like J-Link to your custom board's nRF9160 SiP for debugging and flashing.
    • Update Software: Use the latest nRF Connect Programmer and nRF5340DK firmware.

    Fun Games
    Checking these steps may help you fix the "Failed to recover application core" flashing fault. Nordic Semiconductor's literature and support may help if the problem persists. Hope it can help you!

  • This problem may be caused by the debug interface or nRF5340DK-custom board connection. Here are some ways to fix this:

    • Check Connections: Verify the nRF5340DK-custom board connections. Check the wiring and debug interface connection.
    • Double-check your custom board's power supply. It must be stable and provide 3.3V.
    • Check that the nRF Connect Programmer is configured for the nRF5340DK and that the P20 port is selected.
    • Hardware Debugging: Connect a hardware debugger like J-Link to your custom board's nRF9160 SiP for debugging and flashing.
    • Update Software: Use the latest nRF Connect Programmer and nRF5340DK firmware.

    Fun Games
    Checking these steps may help you fix the "Failed to recover application core" flashing fault. Nordic Semiconductor's literature and support may help if the problem persists. Hope it can help you!
