Error while flashing custom board with nrf9160 SiP using nrf5340DK


I am trying to flash the Serial LTE modem on the nrf9160 on a custom board using the nrf5340DK and the nrf Connect Programmer. I am using the P20 port on the DK and have made the connections as shown here:

I am powering the custom board from an external source at 3.3V. The VDD_nRF´ is not connected to the custom board.

However I am getting the following error:

Recovering Application core
Failed to recovering application core core. Error: [object Object], message: Batch task recover failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR
Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task recover failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
Any idea on what could be the problem?
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