App nRF connect for mobile (IOS) does not stop DFU when nordic BLE device reply error


I am developpping a BLE device updatable over the air with a nRF52840 chip.

Seems my device is working on battery I am not always allowing DFU. 

I am doing the ota DFU with the nRF Connect for mobile application, on IOS and when I disallowe the DFU the application does not stop trying.

It is a bit disturbing because when we use the applciation we cannot differentiate whether the update will start or not.

Best Regards


Parents Reply
  • Hello

    Thank you for your fast reaction, indeed I did not understand the utility of rc so i did not implement it, but now it is working with *rc =  MGMT_ERR_EBADSTATE

    Concerning MGMT_EVT_OP_IMG_MGMT_DFU_STOPPED & MGMT_EVT_OP_IMG_MGMT_DFU_PENDING events, I see the MGMT_EVT_OP_IMG_MGMT_DFU_STOPPED when I decline the DFU but not when I canceled it by pressing cancel button on the app.

    May be it could be a good improve to send the same stop event when you press cancel button than when  the DFU is stopped because of the error.

    Thank you for the support

    Kind regards

