Missing GPIO MCUSEL Configuration for XSPI driver in nrfx/drivers/src/nrfx_qspi.c [sdk-hal_nordic]


I think, I found a missing configuration in the QSPI driver for the nrf53 in nrfx_qspi.c. I've stumbled off this, while I was trying to configure MCUboot for the external flash of a nrf5340 eval board. For details of my findings, please see here: https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/109540/ota-dfu-on-nora-b1/477832

Applying this fix: https://github.com/TorstenRobitzki/sdk-hal_nordic/commit/260bbb97b67521ab95375083f421a4b2c3aebff8 solved the problem for me.

best regards,


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