NRF9161-DK on MacOS JLINK DFU Drive continuously disconnects and reconnects


I recently purchased a few NRF9161-DK boards for both LTE and NR+ evaluation.  However, I am unable to run through the initial demo.  The board is discoverable initially, but after going through the Quick Start and programming, the JLINK drive starts continually disconnecting and reconnecting and I am unable to get any data from the Cellular Monitor, etc...

The same thing happened with 2 of the 3 boards I have (haven't unboxed the 3rd yet).  I have tried to 'nrfjiprog --recover', but that doesn't seem to have helped.

I'm on an Apple Silicon Mac (M1) running Sonoma 14.4.1



  • Hi Adam,

    This issue could be because we don't entirely guarantee a working on the MacOS 14. I have anyhow alerted this issue internally and will get back to you as soon as I hear from the team.



  • Hi Adam,

    This issue could be because we don't entirely guarantee a working on the MacOS 14. I have anyhow alerted this issue internally and will get back to you as soon as I hear from the team.



  • Hi Adam,

    It seems like this might be due to some issues with the USB hub of MacOS 14.4.1 update.

    There is this workaround mentioned by Mac users. Do try this and let me know if it works.

    One of my colleague has also verified that this works.


  • Hi Priyanka,

    Thanks for the quick reply!  I tried the workaround but unfortunately it did not seem to do the trick.  I wasn't aware MacOS wasn't fully supported.  Does Nordic typically recommend Windows or Linux?


  • MacOS is of course supported, but for the OS 14, we do not guarantee a complete working. But that does not seem to be the issue here. The issue looks like it could be because of something in the latest MacOS 14.4.1 update maybe, which could be causing this. As mentioned previously, a colleague of mine too had tis issue, but the workaround helped them.


  •  I am realizing same problem with my NRF5340-DK board. My solution is to open Disk Utility app and unmount JLINK external flash device. After that, I am not seeing this annoying notification.

  • This worked for me