Two Button function coverage problem

I've got this project that requires two buttons. In normal mode, these buttons react to the Ready pin switch signals. when it goes into sleep mode (where it controls other MCUs going to sleep), the UART Rx changes to act as a button to wake up based on High_Low signals of UART communication.

When it wakes up, the UART Rx Button switches back to being UART Rx pin for communication.

But here's the snag: when I change UART Rx to button, the original Ready pin detection button stops working, it just doesn't respond anymore.

If I try to add the initialization declaration for the Ready pin detection button after initializing UART Rx as a button, the UART Rx button loses its functionality.

Here's the code where I declare the buttons. Could you help me figure out where I need to make changes?

By the way, I'm using NCS v2.5.2. and Chip is nrf52840

The following is the code for the Ready Pin initialization and interrupt subroutine.

void CapSwReadyPin(const struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins){
	int ret;
	int err = 0;	
		case deCapSwNull:
		//have other case can change u8CapSwStatus...

void CapSwReadyPinInit(void){
	int ret;

	if (!gpio_is_ready_dt(&button)) {
		printk("Error: button device %s is not ready\n",
		return 0;
	ret = gpio_pin_configure_dt(&button, GPIO_INPUT);
	if (ret != 0) {
		printk("Error %d: failed to configure %s pin %d\n",
		       ret, button.port->name,;
		return 0;
		ret = gpio_pin_interrupt_configure_dt(&button,GPIO_INT_EDGE_TO_ACTIVE );
	if (ret != 0) {
		printk("Error %d: failed to configure interrupt on %s pin %d\n",
			ret, button.port->name,;
		return 0;

	gpio_init_callback(&button_cb_data, CapSwReadyPin, BIT(;
	gpio_add_callback(button.port, &button_cb_data);


The following is the code for initializing UART Rx as a button and setting up its interrupt subroutine.

void RxButtonInterrupt(const struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins){
	u8SleepFlag = u8SleepFlag | deSleepSignal;
#if deSleepTest
	if(u8SleepTestFlag == deDisable){
		u8SleepTestFlag = deEnable;
		u8SleepTestFlag = deDisable;
void SleepButtoninit(void){
	int ret;
	if (!gpio_is_ready_dt(&RxButton)) {
		printk("Error: button device %s is not ready\n",
		return 0;
	ret = gpio_pin_configure_dt(&RxButton, GPIO_INPUT);
	if (ret != 0) {
		printk("Error %d: failed to configure %s pin %d\n",
		       ret, RxButton.port->name,;
		return 0;
		ret = gpio_pin_interrupt_configure_dt(&RxButton,GPIO_INT_EDGE_TO_ACTIVE );
	if (ret != 0) {
		printk("Error %d: failed to configure interrupt on %s pin %d\n",
			ret, RxButton.port->name,;
		return 0;

	gpio_init_callback(&button_cb_data, RxButtonInterrupt, BIT(;
	gpio_add_callback(RxButton.port, &button_cb_data);
void SleepButtonUninit(void){
	int ret;
	if (!gpio_is_ready_dt(&RxButton)) {
		printk("Error: button device %s is not ready\n",
		return 0;
	ret = gpio_pin_configure_dt(&RxButton, GPIO_INPUT);
	if (ret != 0) {
		printk("Error %d: failed to configure %s pin %d\n",
		       ret, RxButton.port->name,;
		return 0;
		ret = gpio_pin_interrupt_configure_dt(&RxButton,GPIO_INT_MASK );
	if (ret != 0) {
		printk("Error %d: failed to configure interrupt on %s pin %d\n",
			ret, RxButton.port->name,;
		return 0;

The following is the code for the main program.

int main(void){
	int blink_status = 0;
	int err = 0;
#if deSempleCodeUR	
	err = uart_init();
	if (err) {
#if deUartFunction
#if deMCU_URFunc
#if	deRFID_Function
#if deI2C_Function
#if deMCU_TypeChackFunc
	u8TPSetTimNum = deTCRSMaxTime;
	u8TypeSetFlag = deEnable;
#if deMCU_URFunc
#if deRFID_Function
#if deBLE_Function
#if deCapSwFunction
	for (;;) {
#if deCapSwFunction		
#if deRFID_Function
#if deMCU_URFunc
#if deBLE_Function
#if deSlepButtonFunc

void SleepFunction(void){
	if(((u8SleepFlag & deSleepSignal)>0) && ((u8SleepLock & deSleepOn)== 0)){
		u8SleepFlag = u8SleepFlag & deSleepNormal;
		u8SleepLock = u8SleepLock | deSleepOn;
		// CapSwReadyPinInit();
	else if(((u8SleepFlag & deSleepSignal)>0) && (u8SleepLock & deSleepOn)>0){
		u8SleepFlag = u8SleepFlag & deSleepNormal;
		u8SleepLock = u8SleepLock & deSleepOff;
		// CapSwReadyPinInit();

  • Hello,

    Could it be due to some value you assign in the CapSwReadyPin(), or due to initialization of global variables? I am not sure.

    Can you provide a minimally complete project that I can compile in NCS 2.5.2 and flash on the DK and test? 

  • it's been a while, and I haven't received a reply yet. Can you give me an update on the current status? Is there any additional information or materials you need from me?

  • I might not have been very clear in my previous description. Here's the ideal behavior I'm aiming for:

    1.When I reset the DK, LED1 starts blinking, indicating that the chip is working properly.
    2.Button1 should toggle LED4, while Button2 does nothing.
    When I connect to the device and send the HEX data "80 03 02 35 23 81", 3.Button1 should still control LED4, and now Button2 should toggle LED3.
    4.Sending the same HEX data "80 03 02 35 23 81" again should revert to Button1 controlling LED4, and Button2 doing nothing.
    5This should cycle between steps 2 and 4.

    However, during my testing, here's what I observed:

    1.When I reset the DK, LED1 starts blinking, indicating that the chip is working properly.
    2.Button1 toggles LED4, while Button2 does nothing.
    When I connect to the device and send the HEX data "80 03 02 35 23 81", 3.Button1 stops working, and Button2 toggles LED3.
    4.Sending the HEX data "80 03 02 35 23 81" again results in both Button1 and Button2 not working.
    5.Sending the HEX data "80 03 02 35 23 81" again makes Button2 toggle LED3, but Button1 remains non-functional.
    6.Sending the HEX data "80 03 02 35 23 81" again returns to step 4, cycling through steps 4 to 6.

    This process does not cause the device to reset, and I couldn't reproduce the reset issue after multiple attempts.

    To check the code for the two buttons, search for "deButtonFunction" within the #if #endif section (lines 76 to 174). You'll notice that CapReadyPinInit (lines 97 to 124) and RxButtonEn (lines 147 to 174) have almost identical content. This code is derived from the Button Sample example. Button actions can be seen in CapRdyButtonInterrupt (lines 83 to 96) and RxButtonInterrupt (lines 83 to 96). UART functionality is within the #if deMCU_URFunc section (lines 178 to 348), with data handling in lines 263 to 303 and actions in lines 178 to 221. The reset might be caused here, though I couldn't reproduce it to confirm.

    If the issue is with button debugging, I want to use the declarations and debugging from the "BLE LED Button service" example. How can I disable the Button functionality? Which parts should I modify or disable, given that my project needs to switch between Rx and Button modes on the same pin?

    By the way, I'm using the nRF52840-DK board for testing.

    Please assist with this. Thank you.

  • I've tried a method that seems to work in testing, but I still have some concerns and would like to confirm a few things before proceeding.

    First, I'd like to ask if your data is being sent and received via Bluetooth or through UART or UARTE. In the example program, the Bluetooth functionality hasn't been modified, nor does it include the issue demonstration code.

    Here's the approach I took: I combined the button code from the "Button Sample" and "BLE LED Button Service" examples.

    1.After resetting the DK, the "CapReadyPinInit" function initializes the button, and I test it to ensure it works. This part of the code comes from the Button Sample.

    2.When I send "80 03 02 35 23 81" via UARTE, it directly initializes the buttons from the "BLE LED Button Service" example.

    err = dk_buttons_init(button_changed);
    if (err) {
        LOG_ERR("Cannot init buttons (err: %d)", err);

    The button actions are handled in the "button_changed" function. This setup meets the project's requirements during testing.

    3. When I send "80 03 02 35 23 81" via UARTE again, I first disable the buttons with:

    err = dk_buttons_init(NULL);
    if (err) {
        LOG_ERR("Cannot init buttons (err: %d)", err);

    4. Then, I reinitialize "CapReadyPinInit". This approach works in testing,

    but I have some doubts. Although both parts come from example programs, could there be stability issues when combining them? Or is it likely stable since both are from example programs?

    And I've updated the code on GitHub. Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please take another look at it? Thanks!

  • Hi,

    I downloaded the code from your repo, and button1 is working before and after the connection.

    However, when I send those characters (80 03...) through ble, it results into hard-fault

    it is caused in line 857 (uart_tx)

  • I didn't make any changes to the BLE-related subroutines, except for turning off Uarte in the original example program. After receiving your message, I tried copying a new "BLE central UART" example without making any modifications, and after flashing it , I couldn't see the Bluetooth using nRF Connect.

    Could you please test it for me to see if there's an issue?

    Here's the link to the example program: [insert link]

  • Hello,

    Apologies for the delayed response.

    Is there any update at your end?

    ITEK said:
    I tried copying a new "BLE central UART" example without making any modifications, and after flashing it , I couldn't see the Bluetooth using nRF Connect

    Please follow the instruction given on the Testing section of the sample. You would require a peripheral (step 6) to connect  with. 

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