ble oob pairing security level3


I am trying to establish a ble oob pairing in legacy mode to meet security level 3.

Therefore i am using the example project peripheral_nfc_pairing and the nRF Connnect for Destoph Bluetooth Low Energy Standalone v4.0.4 App. 

In the nRF BLE App i first connect to Device. Then i initiate a pairing with  MITM Protection and OOB data. LE Secure Connnection is deactivated. 

I would expect a window to enter the temporary key, but it directly pairs in just works mode which is security level 2.

  • Hi, 

    I am trying to establish a ble oob pairing in legacy mode to meet security level 3.

    I would suggest you study 

    If you follow the Testing with NFC Poller Device instruction of peripheral_nfc_pairing, it will get security level 4. 

    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1 ***
    Starting Bluetooth NFC Pairing Reference example
    I: 8 Sectors of 4096 bytes
    I: alloc wra: 0, fe8
    I: data wra: 0, 0
    I: SoftDevice Controller build revision: 
    I: 36 f0 e5 0e 87 68 48 fb |6....hH.
    I: 02 fd 9f 82 cc 32 e5 7b |.....2.{
    I: 91 b1 5c ed             |..\.    
    I: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
    I: HW Variant: nRF52x (0x0002)
    I: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 54.58864 Build 1214809870
    I: No ID address. App must call settings_load()
    Bluetooth initialized
    I: Identity: EF:06:74:2A:38:07 (random)
    I: HCI: version 5.4 (0x0d) revision 0x118f, manufacturer 0x0059
    I: LMP: version 5.4 (0x0d) subver 0x118f
    Generating new pairing keys
    I: Connection Handover Selector role
    NFC configuration done
    Regular advertising started
    Connected 5C:0F:10:28:31:94 (random)
    LESC OOB data requested
    Security changed: 5C:0F:10:28:31:94 (random) level 4
    Pairing completed: AC:3E:B1:12:C2:B2 (public), bonded: 1
    Generating new pairing keys

    Amanda H.

  • Hi, 

    I am trying to establish a ble oob pairing in legacy mode to meet security level 3.

    I would suggest you study 

    If you follow the Testing with NFC Poller Device instruction of peripheral_nfc_pairing, it will get security level 4. 

    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1 ***
    Starting Bluetooth NFC Pairing Reference example
    I: 8 Sectors of 4096 bytes
    I: alloc wra: 0, fe8
    I: data wra: 0, 0
    I: SoftDevice Controller build revision: 
    I: 36 f0 e5 0e 87 68 48 fb |6....hH.
    I: 02 fd 9f 82 cc 32 e5 7b |.....2.{
    I: 91 b1 5c ed             |..\.    
    I: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
    I: HW Variant: nRF52x (0x0002)
    I: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 54.58864 Build 1214809870
    I: No ID address. App must call settings_load()
    Bluetooth initialized
    I: Identity: EF:06:74:2A:38:07 (random)
    I: HCI: version 5.4 (0x0d) revision 0x118f, manufacturer 0x0059
    I: LMP: version 5.4 (0x0d) subver 0x118f
    Generating new pairing keys
    I: Connection Handover Selector role
    NFC configuration done
    Regular advertising started
    Connected 5C:0F:10:28:31:94 (random)
    LESC OOB data requested
    Security changed: 5C:0F:10:28:31:94 (random) level 4
    Pairing completed: AC:3E:B1:12:C2:B2 (public), bonded: 1
    Generating new pairing keys

    Amanda H.
