Error db directory path nrf9160 cellular monitor


I am writing to seek assistance with an issue I've encountered while attempting to create a modem trace on my nRF9160DK board.

When flashing my asset tracking code, I encounter the following error message:

Error when creating trace: unable to locate db directory plugin path: C:\Users\samarpan\.nrfconnect-apps\node_modules\pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor\node_modules\@nordicsemiconductor\nrf-monitor-lib-js\Release\win32-x64\nrfml-insight-source.nrfml.

Despite my efforts, I have been unable to resolve this issue. To provide some context, I am using the nRF9160DK with modem version 1.3.6 and SDK version 2.6.0.

I have attempted to search for solutions online and came across a somewhat similar issue described in a this ticket but I'm using windows only. However, the resolution mentioned in that ticket involved accessing the 1.3.5 modem firmware repository, which appears to be unavailable now.

Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve this error? Any insights, suggestions, or alternative solutions you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and assistance.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

       I tried the way you recommend to downgrade the version and I flashed the asset tracking code from quick start but still I'm getting this error message.

     04:18:11.088 Error when creating trace: unable to locate db directory plugin path: C:\Users\samarpan\.nrfconnect-apps\node_modules\pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor\node_modules\@nordicsemiconductor\nrf-monitor-lib-js\Release\win32-x64\nrfml-insight-source.nrfml

    04:19:06.023 AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN" failed: +CME ERROR: 0

    04:19:07.029 AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN2" failed: +CME ERROR: 0

    04:19:08.036 AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK" failed: +CME ERROR:

    04:19:09.046 AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK2" failed: 0 +CME ERROR: 0

    What should I need to do further?.
