Failed to communicate with nrf7002 custom board

Hello, I have recently designed a custom board integrated with nrf7002 and nrf52840 qfaa. However, I'm encountering an issue while trying to program the nrf7002 OTP. The RTT console displays the error message in below block.

I want to mention that the board is powered by a stable 3V power supply, I have tried manually pull high BUCKEN pin on nRF7002 and VDD_BUCK able to output ~1.5V on multimeter. So I believe the problem is not related to an unstable power source.

Could anyone please provide some insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue? Thank you in advance!

Development Platform:

-nRF Connect SDK v2.5.1

-Windows 10

-VS Code extension v2024.3.25

SEGGER J-Link V7.90a - Real time terminal output
SEGGER J-Link (unknown) V1.0, SN=683375020
Process: JLink.exe
[00:00:00.000,701] <inf> wifi_nrf: SPIM spi@4002f000: freq = 8 MHz

[00:00:00.000,732] <inf> wifi_nrf: SPIM spi@4002f000: latency = 0

[00:00:00.003,387] <err> wifi_nrf: hal_rpu_reg_read: Error !! Value read at addr_offset = 400 is = FFFFFFFF

[00:00:00.003,479] <err> wifi_nrf: hal_rpu_irq_enable: Reading from Root interrupt register failed

[00:00:00.003,509] <err> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_hal_dev_add: hal_rpu_irq_enable failed

[00:00:00.003,662] <err> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_add: nrf_wifi_hal_dev_add failed

[00:00:00.003,692] <err> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_add_zep: nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_add failed

[00:00:00.003,692] <err> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_if_init_zep: nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_add_zep failed

[00:00:00.004,089] <inf> wifi_nrf: SPIM spi@4002f000: freq = 8 MHz

[00:00:00.004,119] <inf> wifi_nrf: SPIM spi@4002f000: latency = 0

[00:00:00.006,744] <err> wifi_nrf: hal_rpu_reg_read: Error !! Value read at addr_offset = 400 is = FFFFFFFF

[00:00:00.006,805] <err> wifi_nrf: hal_rpu_irq_enable: Reading from Root interrupt register failed

[00:00:00.006,866] <err> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_hal_dev_add: hal_rpu_irq_enable failed

[00:00:00.006,988] <err> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_add: nrf_wifi_hal_dev_add failed

[00:00:00.007,019] <err> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_add_zep: nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_add failed

[00:00:00.007,049] <err> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_if_start_zep: nrf_wifi_fmac_dev_add_zep failed

*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.5.1 ***
Starting nrf52840dk_nrf52840 with CPU frequency: 64 MHz
[00:00:00.007,537] <inf> wpa_supp: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant

Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you for your suggestion. I managed to resolve the issue, but interestingly, it wasn't by following the solution provided in the post. I found out that 'Clean Build Configuration' option in VS Code and rebuild the project doesn't sync my custom board settings.(In my case, I have changed my wifi pin configuration that why nRF52840 not able to communicate to nRF7002)

    Instead, I had to 'Remove build configuration' and then create a new build configuration so nRF Connect SDK able to pick up my new board settings.

    I just wanted to share this workaround in case others encounter a similar problem. 

  • By the way, I have a question regarding sending UART commands through SWD instead of UART. Currently, I can view the logs through SWD, but I'm unable to issue commands to initialize the nRF7002.

    I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to accomplish sending UART commands via SWD. Thank you.

  • I was able to resolve the issue on my own. Thank you for your support.
