Unable to flash due to protection on device, required to erase flash memory


I need to capture the data packet transmitted by ble from my phone (acting as Central), I followed the Bluetooth LE sniffer example and was able to capture the data packet.

However, when I try to flash my original script on VScode to my board without erasing the LE sniffer firmware I flashed from the nrf Connect desktop earlier, I was prompted by an error saying "Flashing failed due to protection on the device.

I was wondering if there is a way to flash without erasing the previous memory? Or am I doing it wrong?

Thanks for your patient,


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Johan,

    No problem Slight smile

    Johan83 said:
    Thks for the fast reply. But wouldn't that erased my other program which I have flashed into the board?

    That is on a different board, right? When you flashed the sniffer firmware on a DK or dongle, you erased what was on that board from before in the process. So there is nothing here other than the sniffer firmware, that will have to be replaced when you want to re-use the board for something other than sniffer.

    Johan83 said:
    I also need my previous code (the modified UART tutorial actually) to run togather with the sniffer.

    Then you need two boards (one you use as a sniffer, and one you test and develop on)

  • ok now I got how it all works haha. 

    I used a different board (1 to act as the sniffer and the other to run my UART app), now it all works Slight smile


