Random ~265uA extra current consuption when NRF52832 is in sleep mode.

Hello, we have a product that uses the NRF52832. We recently detected that the device will randomly increase its current consumption by about 260uA during sleep mode. Once this extra current consumption starts, we can only eliminate it with a soft reset. Interestingly, it doesn't seem to recur after that reset, though previous resets do not prevent the issue from happening. We've also noticed that the extra current consumption is only present when the device is in sleep mode; it does not occur when the processor is active and running. Our primary suspicion is that some peripheral of the NRF52832 remains active during sleep mode and fails to turn off. Is there any way to check what remains on during a sleep event? We tried to debug, but it only emulates the sleep event, which is essentially the same as the run mode. Are there any likely candidates that would consume such current? 

Thank you!


Adding more information:

I am using NRF5 SDK 15.3.0


Adding a bit more of information. I tested to add a standard timer to ran continuously and measured the current. The current goes up as expected as the timer is on during the sleep (idle) mode. However the extra 265uA never comes again, so it looks like that something is forcing the HFCLK to stay on during the sleep mode. Weirdly I do not directly use the HFCLK for nothing. Probably only the SoftDevice uses it for the BLE connection. Is there anyway to check what is making the HFCLK stay on. I tryed to look into all registers of the device but could not find anything. 

Thank you!
