How to config simulate communication such as i2c

I am trying to drive my OLED by nrf52833DK.

The OLED is offered by online shop that with a description that SSD1306.

I don't know whether the drive is offered in zephyr.So I want to use the drive offered by the owner of the shop.

The drive is a way that simulate i2c by gpio and the code is used in C51.

I think it is easy to use that only I change the pin and the way to drive pin.

But I am in trouble.

First, because it is simulate i2c and I think I need a overlay to define my OLED.

When I writting the compatible, the function that code auto-complete show a value that "gpio-i2c".It seem suited for me.So I write the overlay as follow:

    compatible = "gpio-i2c";
    scl-gpios = <&gpio0 26 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
    sda_gpios = <&gpio0 27 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

It is wrong to build.And it is puzzled me that should I drive the device by GPIO or I2C?

What if it was done in a similar way?
