Regarding Setting Up Software .hex on nRF52840 USB Dongle

I have the nRF52840 USB dongle, and I want to set up custom software by flashing the .hex file. How to setup using DFU Bootloader on the pca10059 board

  • Hello,

    I have not worked with the Wirepas solutions, but you will need a .hex file which have been built specifically for the nRF52840 Dongle so the pre-programmed bootloader does not get overwritten. I recommend you direct this question to Wirepas. I assume they can provide instructions on how you can build this from source if it is supported.

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    I have not worked with the Wirepas solutions, but you will need a .hex file which have been built specifically for the nRF52840 Dongle so the pre-programmed bootloader does not get overwritten. I recommend you direct this question to Wirepas. I assume they can provide instructions on how you can build this from source if it is supported.

    Best regards,

