Channel bandwidth allocation method


I want to know how Bluetooth allocates channel resources as a master.

Assuming a Bluetooth master is connected to 8 slaves simultaneously, how does the master allocate communication time with each slave?

If multiple slaves send messages to the master simultaneously, will it result in most of the slaves' transmissions failing due to conflicts?

Can I specify priority for receiving messages from a particular slave?

Parents Reply Children
  • hi,If a Bluetooth central device is connected to five peripheral devices simultaneously, is there a way to control the central device to only poll two of the peripheral devices at a time, while the remaining three peripheral devices only need to send messages at the lowest frequency to maintain the connection?

    Is it possible to control the timing of connection events between the central device and the peripheral device?

  • Hello,

    The central device should be able to control connection parameters, e.g. connection interval and slave latency for each link, so it should be possible for the central to do this yes. The peripherals will follow whatever the central chooses, though be aware that changing connection parameters usually will take 6+ intervals before they take effect.

