Heartrate profile with characteristics control point on central side implementation on nrf52840dk

I have implemented the heartrate on central side which notify the measurement value and that can be read from peripheral , now my dought is that is it possible to implement control point characteristics to write a value to reset the energy on peripheral side ,,.... is is possible  to do so ,,,,,,.if yes how to get the handle for that not able discover the characteristics..
implemented on nrf52840dk with zephyr os.

regards ,

Hemanth V

  • Hello Hemanth V,

    now my dought is that is it possible to implement control point characteristics to write a value to reset the energy on peripheral side

    Could you clarify what you mean by this - do you intend to use the characteristic to power cycle / reset the nRF device, or is your intentions to reset the values of your other characteristics or similar?
    In either case you will need to implement a central side of your custom service and characteristic so that the central knows how to use the service and characteristics when they are found in the discovery. Are you working with the nRF5 SDK or the nRF Connect SDK?

    Best regards,

  • Hi karl

    Am using nRF connect sdk and implementing heartrate service in that am trying to add optional characteristics that control point , to use that am not getting handle discovered so will it work in this or not i need to know

    regards ,

    Hemanth V

  • Hello Hemanth,

    Hemanth_V said:
    Am using nRF connect sdk and implementing heartrate service in that am trying to add optional characteristics that control point , to use that am not getting handle discovered so will it work in this or not i need to know

    Thank you for clarifying which SDK you are working with.
    It is correct that you may add a custom characteristic to your service, which you may use as you'd like in your application. To be able to use this added custom characteristic you would need to implement logic on the central side so that the central device is aware of the purpose of this characteristic. You can verify that your custom characteristic is set up as required with a smartphone, and then move on to implement it in your central device as well.

    Best regards,
