Parameters affecting Thread wireless network range


What are the parameters affecting the Thread network range other than the TX power?

I am using Micromod nRF52840 module, to test Matter Light Bulb and Matter Light Switch, but when I tried to control the light bulb by the light switch I found that the distance range between the two devices doesn't exceed 30cm and when it exceeds 30cm they lose the communication between each other and the border router, but when I tried to test the range as this blog post using Thread: CoAP Client and Thread: CoAP Server with the Micromod I found that the range was around 5m.

The TX power at the first case is 8dbm while the TX power at the second case is 0dbm, where this is confusing.

I expect that the more the TX power the more distance range.

Is there other parameters that I didn't consider in the Matter apps that may affect the network range?

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Amanda,

    This is not what I am asking about, I know what you are saying.

    And I already know how to change the tx power, but I am asking about the reason behind why the signal strength is different or why it is lower for the Matter app than the coap app, very lower, in spite of that the tx power for the coap app is less than it for the matter app for the same microcontroller.

    Also, I am asking clearly about the different parameters or configurations that I may should manipulate in the code to get more signal strength or more distance range?
