Using two UARTs for three peripherals.

I am using nRF52840 which has 2 uarts available. I want to use Modem on UART1. I want to use UART0 for debugging and Bar code scanner at the same time. How can I do that?
is it okay to use both things at the same time on single UART (UART0)?

  • Hello,

    I concur with  - please use the RTT for your debug logging, this will save you heaps of trouble and development time.
    While it is possible to use the one UART instance for both a sensor and debug logging at the same time this would necessitate that you implement all the necessary application layer logic to handle this and make sure that it runs smoothly, and the pitfalls here are many, which is why I generally would not recommend this.

    Best regards,

  • Hello,

    I concur with  - please use the RTT for your debug logging, this will save you heaps of trouble and development time.
    While it is possible to use the one UART instance for both a sensor and debug logging at the same time this would necessitate that you implement all the necessary application layer logic to handle this and make sure that it runs smoothly, and the pitfalls here are many, which is why I generally would not recommend this.

    Best regards,

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