Programming MS12SF1 module

I am trying to program MS12SF1 module through nrf5340DK. I tested the blinky code to toggle the LED pins but while checking through oscilloscope the pins showed nothing, wasn't toggling.

Have just connected 4 programming pins - Vdd, GND, SWDIO, SWCLK. The module is programming but somehow I am not able to see the led pins getting toggled.

It would be grateful if someone can help me with this.

Parents Reply
  • Hi I had the same problem, I'm using an MS12SF1 and running the blink example from SDK 2.6.1 to be successful I had to add the following settings in project.conf:


    # Enable Zephyr's clock management

    # Sets the HF (High Frequency) clock source

    # Sets the LF (Low Frequency) clock source

    # Other clock settings that may be required

    But this is low frequency, the   MS12SF1  has  nRF7002+nRF5340 WiFi 6+BLE 5.3, I'll need high frequency, how can I enable this in the zephyr?  Especially in project.conf

    So can I run all the nordic examples (bluetoot, wifi, provisioning) using the NRF53's internal clock at high speeds?
