Fatal error when using NB-IoT and initialization GNSS


I am working on a project where I perform location determination with GNSS and send data over NB-IoT. I have written working code where I am reading location by GNSS and I have working code where I am sending data over NB-IoT to an AWS cloud service.

Both the projects work perfectly separately but once I merge these projects I get a Fatal error.

<err> lte_lc: Could not send AT command, error: 65536
[00:00:02,122,283] <err> lte_lc: Could not set system mode, error: -14
[00:00:02,122,314] <err> lte_connectivity: lte_lc_init, error: -14
[00:00:02,122,344] <err> aws_iot_sample: conn_mgr_all_if_up, error: -14
*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.5.0 ***e: Fatal error! Rebooting the device.

When I use the function lte_lc_func_mode_set(LTE_LC_FUNC_MODE_ACTIVATE_GNSS) in my initialization my controller goes rebooting. I get an error message that the AT command cannot be set and that I get errors with following functions.

Could there be a problem if I use the function lte_lc_func_mode_set(LTE_LC_FUNC_MODE_ACTIVATE_GNSS) and then the function conn_mgr_all_if_up(true).

The project I am mixing GNSS with is Nordic's AWS_IoT sample.

Thanks in advance for the effort
yours sincerely

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