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Merged binary (.bin) of SoftDevice + application bricking devices, differs from the merged hex when flashed?

I'm attempting to generate a binary blob containing both the S140 SoftDevice (to be placed at address 0x1000 in flash) and the main application firmware (at 0x26000).

I use the following command to generate a merged hex: mergehex --merge ./main_app.hex ./s140.hex -o ./mergedapp.hex. This merged hex is flashed using JLinkExe or nrfjprog and the code executes as expected.

I use this command to generate a binary: arm-none-eabi-objcopy -I ihex -O binary ./mergedapp.hex ./mergedapp.bin, and then I flash it to my nRF52840 MCU using JLink Commander: loadbin mergedapp.bin 0x1000. This method doesn't seem to work, despite flashing the two binaries separately (at 0x1000 for the s140.bin and 0x26000 for the main_app.bin) and flashing the merged hex having worked properly. Using memrd, I noticed some key locations in flash such as 0x1000, 0x26000, etc differ when I flash the merged binary compared to the merged hex. 

I've also tried to pad the SoftDevice before merging by using --pad-to=0x26000 --gap-fill=0xFF, but the end result is still a nonfunctional program.

I've included some photos below of the device memory layout read using the Programmer tool. The first photo is from flashing the SoftDevice and application separately or flashing the merged hex (everything looks normal), and the second photo is from flashing the merged binary.

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  • This turned out to be what was going wrong. Thank you   and  for responding and pointing out the problem, and I apologize for my initial skepticism. It's on me for trusting the build process I was given instead of doing my own research to confirm. I'm still not sure why the binary works, but since it doesn't match the size of a binary created from the stock hex, maybe the previous devs removed the MBR from it? I can share our internal version of the S140 6.0.0 SoftDevice if anyone is interested, but aside from that everything is clear going forward.
