Is it possible to use mcumgr-cli for BLE on Mac (via nRF52840Dongle)

In working thru the Nordic Academy Intermediate lessons on DFU, it was very instructive to use the mcumgr command line interface to see exactly what's happening on the device. However I was only able to use this tool for Serial and USB updates.

For BLE updates, the Lesson says to use the Nordic Apps (Device Manager and nRF Connect) to perform update and monitor DUT. While I was able to update with Device Manager, it was difficult/impossible to test all cases such as fallback etc. And while commands such as are available with `mcumgr` exist on nRF Connect, the results didn't seem to match what I was seeing. Nor was I able to successfully upload.

I have available the nRF52840 dongle which I can use with the Nordic Desktop tool, but unfortunately it doesn't have DFU options.

Is there any way to use the mcumgr-CLI with the dongle? It would be great to have the level of insight that the cli interface offers.

All of this is for a (M1) Mac. Would be glad to use a virtual Linux instance if that makes it possible.

Thanks. Kent
