52840 The scan is abnormal. The Bluetooth device cannot be scanned for a long time

Hello, Karl Ylvisaker. When I use 52840 scan, I sometimes fail to scan other Bluetooth devices for a long time, but the scan will resume after a long time. Other Bluetooth devices are working normally. I configured the scanning window interval to be 1200 and the scanning interval to be 2400. Could you please help me think about what might be the cause

  • Hello,

    The values for the scan interval and window are given in units of 625 µs each, and so your configuration to use a scanning window of 1200 with a scanning interval of 2400 means that you will scan for 750 ms each 1500 ms. What are the advertising parameters of your peripheral device?
    Could you elaborate on what you mean when you say 'scan will resume after a long time' - how long is the time you are seeing in between each scan report?

    Best regards,

  • Hello,

    The values for the scan interval and window are given in units of 625 µs each, and so your configuration to use a scanning window of 1200 with a scanning interval of 2400 means that you will scan for 750 ms each 1500 ms. What are the advertising parameters of your peripheral device?
    Could you elaborate on what you mean when you say 'scan will resume after a long time' - how long is the time you are seeing in between each scan report?

    Best regards,
