Reduce the number of retries for an unavailable device

We are currently working with Zigbee coordinator sample SDK version 2.1.0.
When attempting to write data to a unavailable device, the stack sends an unimplemented signal four times, with a gap of 10 seconds between each attempt. After this (about 40 seconds) later we have the callback. But we would like to reduce this time even if it means reducing the no of retries.
To reduce the number of retries, we adjusted the value of ZB_MAC_MAX_FRAME_RETRIES from 3U to 1U. However, even after this modification, the stack still sends the unimplemented signal four times with a 10-second gap. If we need to reduce the number of retries and also the time duration between attempts, how should we adjust the settings? Our aim is to bring down this 40 seconds to 15 seconds as we don't want the user to wait that long for callback.

Please note, that in the zb_zcl_send_write_attribute command function, we have used ZB_ZCL_DISABLE_DEFAULT_RESPONSE.

Thanks, and regards,

  • Hi,

    I've picked up your case and will be looking into it. I will return with an update regarding the status next week.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    Just an update: We've done some testing regarding the following

    apscMaxFrameRetries is set to 3 according to the spec, but macMaxFrameRetries in the 802.15.4 spec is 3 by default but can be 0-7. The question is if it is possible to change this value.

    ZB_MAC_MAX_FRAME_RETRIES, which the customer changed, does not seem to affect the number of MAC frame retries.

    We've created an internal inquiry with the Zigbee team and I'll get back to you when I have some more information

    Kind regards,
