How to reduce power consumption (nrf52832)?

I am developing nrf52832 with nRF5 SDK v17.1.0 and SoftDevice flash_s132_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.

The FW uses FreeRTOS.
In standby mode of the program, it consume about 37.9mA.

I would like to know is there any way to reduce the power consumption.
I believe I have already turn on Deep Sleep as configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE = 1.
And I have tested that if I set it to configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE = 0, it will consumed 5mA more (37.9mA -> 42.3mA) current.

Other than deepsleep configuration, is there any other way to reduce the power consumption?
Thank you in advance.

  • Have you tested this on the nRF52832 DK or on a custom board? If you have not tested and measured power consumption of your firmware on DK , then I would suggest you to do that first, so that we can understand to see if this is a hardware or software related issue.

    If you see the same power consumption on the DK aswell, then there might be some peripheral that is still kept active. We then need to focus which peripheral is consuming power based on the information you provide on initialization of your system.
