nRF52840/nRF5340 + nRF7002 with external MCU


     We are evaluating a solution for our product where we would like to use

  • Zephyr RTOS with NCS
  • nRF52840/nRF5340 + nRF7002 for a combined WiFi/BLE solution. nRF52/53 will run the code for both BLE and WiFi combo.
  • an External MCU which is not from one of Nordic MCUs.

Is it possible to use this combination for using nRF combo only as connectivity solution?
Is there an example already on zephyr or NCS for this solution? Can you guide us to relevant samples or documents on this?

Is there anything we would need to take care in this combination? How does interfacing with nRF52/53 MCU in this case looks like?

I feel firmware update might be difficult but not impossible?

Thank you for your support.



Parents Reply
  • Thank you very much Marte,

    * Regarding nRF7002 firmware update, do you know if it will work when i use the non-nRF MCU with MCUboot bootloader? Documentation only mentions about using with nRF5340 or nRF52840. My concern is how do i use `CONFIG_NRF_WIFI_FW_PATCH_DFU` when using non-nRF MCU? 

    * Regarding Coexistence, i have gone through documentations. However i am entirely not sure how i can make use of this with non-nRF host MCU?

    This is my rough setup and we can assume that non-nRF MCU will be similar to nRF5340 in terms of memory and Capabilites. 

    I will run zephyr BLE host implementation on non-nRF MCU.

    However, i cannot run soft device controller on my non-nRF MCU due to Nordic license.
    On nRF5340, i can either run softdevice BLE controller or zephyr BLE controller. 

    We have COEX pins (REQ, GRANT, STATUS) from nRF7002, Should these pins be connected to nRF5340 or non-nRFMCU for ensuring BLE& WiFi coexistence?

    * Will the coexistence be simplified if i use softdevice controller on my nRF5340 (netcore)?

    * Will there any code needed on non-nRF MCU to ensure CoEx support?

    * I also saw that in the recent nRF7002 zephyr upstream, coex files are also pushed like
    Where should i use these APIs non-nRF or nRF5340 MCU for coexistence?

    * If i understand from this sample application:
    we should ensure that COEX pins are connected in HW and configured in DTS file and then call the coex APIs in the application?

    Thanks for your support.


