Thingy 53 + nRF7002eb supply anomaly


I am evaluating the Thingy 53 + nRF7002 EB for Wifi and Bluetooth scanning. 

But depending on which power source I plug the devkit, the wifi interface doesn't set up. For instance, on the same PC, one USB port can deliver enough power, and another one (with the same hardware characteristics) does not.

I assume it's related to the nPM1100 power management IC, because USB port detection can limit VBUS current on the board. Nevertheless, I tried to set the GPIO ISET high to have a limit of 500mA instead of 100mA but nothing changed.

I run on  the sample app called wifi scan the board and connect it with a 3.0 USB cable.

Please, can anyone give a clue on this issue ?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks Amanda, we installed the driver correctly on every computer used for testing. 

    Nevertheless, the issue is still there...

    These are new pieces of information: 

    - The USB port where the Thingy is supplied properly has "USB charge capability" and the others do not

    - If we plug the Thingy directly into our USB C port the expansion board is not powered ("Interface not up") but if we plug the Thingy into a USB hub connected to this same USB C port it works!

    I hope this will help you to find a clue about this issue. In our opinion, it is related to USB negotiation by the  nPM1100 power management IC.
