How to DFU nRF52833 OTA over Non Nordic standard Bluetooth module


We have nRF52833 on the custom board, now we want to do DFU over Bluetooth. During my initial research reults with following questions:

If you use

1. "nRF Connect for Desktop Bluetooth Low Energy

Q: Why selected device allows ONLY Nordic dongles or DK. Why not standard PC or Laptop BLE Adapter not visible as "SELECT Device"? Any alternative?

2. nrf5SDK-Tool

I found that there is also a possible way to to DFU over BLE with  nrfutil nrf5sdk-tools   command. BUT Following written as description  nrfutil nrf5sdk-tools dfu ble --help command says similar:

Perform a Device Firmware Update on a device with a bootloader that supports
BLE DFU. This requires a second nRF device, connected to this computer, with
connectivity firmware loaded. The connectivity device will perform the DFU
procedure onto the target device.

Q: The same issue, the BT device (as loaded or sender) must be nRF device. 

So, finally: I couldn't find a sample or documentation about it. Could you please give more information or send docs link or videos "how to DFU OTA over non Nordic BLE

One more info: we whant to do DFU from Windows Application, that's why, C++ or C# library fits ideally if available.


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