Audio DK "beep" sample

Can anyone please point me in the direction of sample code for the nRF5340 Audio DK that demonstrates a simple beep.

I'm not yet interested in multiple threads, or huge DMA transfers, or the ridiculously behemoth Bluetooth sample application. Just a single beep using the onboard DAC.

I've already scoured the nRF SDK docs, and searched Github for every keyword I can think of, but can find absolutely nothing to bootstrap my self edification.

It's incredibly frustrating to have invested so much money in the hardware and the insane amount of time sunk studying Zephyr, only to be met with a complete lack of resources for the most basic functionality of an ostensible "Audio DK".

I'm more than capable of extrapolating from a working sample, but cannot even find a toehold. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

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