Zephyr thread signal functionality

I'm porting  Qorvo's UWB library to nRF53 platform. One of the functionality APIs that needs porting is signal notify and polling. These APIs should be ported to similar functionality like the CMSIS osSignal API: https://www.keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/RTOS/html/group__CMSIS__RTOS__SignalMgmt.html , which takes signals value on notify, clear, or wait APIs.

Qorvo documentation:

 In Zephyr, I found the Polling API module with the k_poll_signal_raise(): https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/kernel/services/polling.html#c.k_poll_signal_raise

However, in Zephyr I'm not sure if the k_poll_signal_raise() does the same functionality, as in CMSIS API, the caller assign signals to wait for, while in zephyr it's more like binary signal. 

What is the correct usage of zephyr Polling module to behave like CMSIS signaling module? or Is there another module in zephyr?
