Inquiry Regarding GPIO Set Pin Timing Issue on nRF9160


I am using nRF9160 (custom board) and Zephyr V2.6

I am currently working with the nRF9160 on a custom board and utilizing Zephyr v2.6. In my application, I've observed a delay of approximately 200 ms when setting an output pin to VDD voltage (3V3) using the "gpio_pin_set_dtfunction. The output pin is not connected to any load, and I've cross-referenced this behavior with the specifications outlined in the nRF9160 documentation, which indicate significantly faster operation in the nanosecond range.

Could you please assist me in understanding why there might be such a delay and how to resolve it? Additionally, if there are any specific considerations or limitations regarding GPIO operations that I should be aware of, I would appreciate any guidance you can provide.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
